Hi there I’m sure McManus from Neighborhood and in this video I’m going To show you just how easy it is to make Delicious espresso but at the same time We’re going to touch base with some of The most undesirable flavors like Over-and-under extracted coffees over Here we have our group handle that has Been dosed intent as we start we’re Gonna purge our group This ensures that it’s clean inserting The grip handle ever so softly we can Now select whether you want a single cup A double cup or feeling a little bit More adventurous we can go with the Manual button now there are some key Signs to looking for a great quality Extraction first the color of the Extraction we want to start with Something rich caramel blending out Generally the blending tends to be a Little bit more complex but can also add A little bit of bitterness we want to Make sure that we look at the pressure Gauge and it will be in our target zone Now an optimal espresso to me is Something that sweet round vibrant and Juicy I like this one now let’s talk about Some flavors that we’re not looking for First over extractive this can give us Flavors of bitterness dry and a little Bit grainy to remedy this rather need a Lower dose find a little bit coarser or
Reduce the length of our shot time now At the same time you need to make sure That our coffee isn’t under extracted Either which is going to give us flavors Of sourness and acidity to fix this Grind a little bit finer or up our dose A little bit more This will help increase a bit more Extraction and give us some oil and Sweetness in the coffee if you’re having Any trouble Here’s some tips to get you through once Again we want to look at the espresso Machine and make sure that our pressure Gauge is in the target zone we also want To make sure we can look at our espresso Extraction and know that it’s coming up Rich caramel and blonde and running Between 20 to 30 seconds using our Pallet also helps us don’t just taste The good things also taste the bad Things and at the end of the day we can Only get better one way and that’s by Practice practice practice You [Music]