So the guys behind the nanof foer Subminimal have come up with a picture To use with their milk frothing device Well that makes sense because it's Expected that if you use one of these Then you don't have the accessories that Come with an espresso machine so let's Test the subminimal float tip milk jug And see if we can pour better latte art With this one now just a few features Around it well it's a nice matte black Finish nice elevated sloping design with This really fine tip for pouring art With and there's a there's some guides You see those circles inside that tell You how much milk you're pouring in so Each of the circles correspond to about 4 ounces or 120 Ms of Milk all right so I've heated some milk Already and let's pour it into our milk Jug so again the subminimal nanof Foer as well as this one doesn't heat The milk yourself so you need a Microwave or a stove top for that or Maybe one of your original milk steamers Without the frothing tip attached and Now we're going to use the milk fro to Go along with [Music] It okay so once it's quieted down I'm Kind of sure that I'm where I want it at Least for a Latte okay that's a lot Silkier look at that
Well textured milk and swirl it around As I would if I were a Barista and I pulled a shot of an Espresso in this cup earlier on and Let's see if we can actually pour milk With this milk jug from sub Minimal oh there you Go yeah so definitely better than my try With the Regular measuring cup I used earlier on So yeah that has been the subminimal Flow tip milk jug