This $70 Electric Kettle Changed My Coffee Game (TIMEMORE Fish Review)

This $70 Electric Kettle Changed My Coffee Game (TIMEMORE Fish Review)

Funny name aside the time more fish Electric kettle is a GameChanger if You're into pour-overs my Cafe uses two Of these every day and I Lov them so Much I had to get one for myself the Design is gorgeous looks modern and Minimalist with its Sleek matte black Finish with a stealth display that only Lights up when in use what stealth Display you might wonder well there's a Simple toggle switch at the back that Turns it on and voila and in front You've got a touch slider to set the Target temperature precise to one degre Celsius increments just swipe left to go Down and swipe right to go up press the Left heating button and it Heats your Water up and holds it there you can tell It's heating up when the red fire icon Lights up this mode is perfect for Keeping your water temperature Consistent while you grind your coffee Or prep your filter the right button Does the same thing but it shuts the Heater off when you reach the target Temperature newer models might label This as a power button either way both Buttons are are pretty Responsive so I sped up the video a Little bit so you can see how the kettle Heats up and from 60° to 95 degrees it's A little over a minute which is pretty Fast for a kettle of this Size heats up super quickly it has a

Small footprint and the gooseneck spout Is perfect for controlled precise pores It's seriously a great little Kettle and I' got one again

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