Another day another coffee scale review And this is one of the best ones I've Ever used this is the time more Black Mirror Nano and well it's named that way Because of its Sleek design and that Nice stealth display that you turn on With that toggle switch on the right Side so this is a coffee scale which Means it has a timer it can weigh an Increments of a ten of a gram and don't Let the small size fool you it's not Just a scale for your espresso machine It's small footprint and that taper Display up front means you can use the Entire top portion without blocking any Of the functions so the buttons too are Not on top like regular scales as you Can see here this is the tear button Which zeros your weight and on the other Side is your timer button which starts And stops your timer there's also this Flow control button which I don't really Use but it basically allows you to know How many grams per second you're pouring Into um your cup or your pourover device Now again the size is perfect for both Espresso Applications like this one see look at That or to brw aover With so let's start using the scale so All you have to do is press that button On the right it's touch sensitive so That beat really helps let you know if You pushed it
Right and this one on the left starts The timer so again that's flow Rate if you're the type to log that type Of data down but normally I don't really Use it I just stick to the regular timer By the way if you don't like the beeps You can easily mute the scale by Pressing the timer button for about 5 Seconds until the little speaker icon Disappears and there silent scale for Brewing the mornings when everyone's Still asleep on top of that there's also Some Auto functions on this scale one For Pur over and one for espresso but These are functions that I don't really Like to use I prefer the Simplicity of Just being able to tear your scale or Zero it out and start your timer Manually yep so that's pretty much it It's a great little scale that works for Both espresso and pourover and before I Forget for charging uses a nice and Convenient type c Port which means most Of the Chargers you might have at home Will work with it and that's a time more Black Mirror Nano scale happy Brewing