How Much Coffee to Use in a Phin Filter | Ultimate Guide to Vietnamese Coffee | Nguyen Coffee Supply

How Much Coffee to Use in a Phin Filter | Ultimate Guide to Vietnamese Coffee | Nguyen Coffee Supply

How much coffee do you use in a phin filter? You 
can start with a standard ratio of one to two. So   This right here is a 12 ounce phin filter, which 
means if we’re using a tablespoon, you want to do   6 tablespoons of coffee to 12 ounces of water. 
And you can adjust that ratio depending on the   Size of your phin filter. If you’re using a 4 
ounce phin filter, you could do two tablespoons   And if you’re using a 24 ounce phin filter, 
you could do 12 tablespoons. And of course,   Adjust the tablespoon or the amount of coffee 
depending on how strong or light you like it!

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