How To Use The Ninja Dual Brew Pro: Quick & Simple Overview

How To Use The Ninja Dual Brew Pro: Quick & Simple Overview

All right I've been using the ninja dual Brew Pro for at least a year or longer Now I love this thing I've told so many People to buy it on this video I was Just going to give you a quick rundown Of kind of how it works and just show You how easy it is to use so it's kind Of like feels like a touchcreen a little Bit it's just like a flat surface There's no buttons really that are Sticking out except of course this knob Here so I do 15 ounces myself but you Can basically switch this up or down um Notice the keep warm comes on right so Once you get to a certain point like a Half pot or more it does have a warming Plate um on this one if you're doing Like a travel mug single serve it's not Going to activate the warming plate Which is nice but then on the brw style Over here so uh classic of course rich Is just you'll see the ounces go down a Little bit so it's just like a little Bit more concentrated coffee over ice is A very concentrated coffee so the design Of that is to make iced coffee at home So the good news is it still takes just A couple of minutes like a regular cup Of coffee but what you're supposed to do Is take like a 14 o Cup in this case Fill it with ice and then let this thing Go and it's going to give you a more Like a really concentrated Brew that's Obviously going to melt a lot of that

Ice and it kind of Blends together and It works out perfectly so on a hot day That's what I do um and then specialty Which is just 4 oz so it's supposed to Be kind of like espresso like it's not a Shot of espresso but it's similar you Know so it'll hold up well if you're Trying to make like a latte or something Like that and of course this thing does Have a fold away milk fro on the side That works fantastically well so you Really can get kind of a poor man's Latte without an espresso machine there And then um one other thing I mean it's Got a cleaning function so every once in A while you want to kind of descale this Thing just using Vier or whatever and Then you can set um a timer on it if You'd like which honestly I never use And then finally it's got the drip stop Right here so you can turn that off or On and so if it's closed obviously it Won't run it'll beepat you when you try To start it and say hey you need to open It um last thing I'll show you in this Video is that I think is super cool and Takes this thing above being just a Coffee maker is this guy right here so This little switch when I turn it it Goes from doing Coffee to just doing hot water so think About things like tea oatmeal Etc and it Activates this side which says water Temp so you can set it to hot or boil

I'm not sure how hot hot is but that's Generally what I do it's probably around 200ish degrees so um I've done that for Like certain like frozen coffee pods and Things but it's great and it actually Uses a separate water line which is Really important so it doesn't get like If you're doing it for oatmeal or Something like that you're not going to Have like this coffee Flavor in Your Oatmeal it's a totally separate water Line in there um and then just like Before you basically can just set this Guy to how much hot or boiling water That you want and it comes out in just a Second

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